Active Hempzyme®
Conserving our environment
An environmental and human success story turning waste into lower carbon products.
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By choosing ACTIVE HempZyme®, you’re part of a sustainable story
We’re investing in R&D to develop raw material supply chains that have the lowest possible environmental impact. But without sacrificing on quality.

Out with plastic. In with renewable hemp.
Choose from a range of classic flat mouthpieces. Hemp White and Hemp Natural. Designed to complement any ACTIVE cartridge and ACTIVE Glass and Ceramic All-In-Ones.
The best part? ACTIVE’s Hemp-Plastic blend uses up to 15% less plastic and reduces the carbon footprint.
Not only do the mouthpieces look great, but we’re reducing the volume of petroleum-based plastics that could enter our food chain.

Turning waste into a virtuous cycle
We've started up a whole new industry partnering with local hemp farmers. Usually, the remaining stalks are discarded after harvesting. Or worse still, incinerated, releasing harmful CO2 back into the atmosphere.
We now buy the stalks, giving the farmers more revenue to reinvest. And the environment gets to breathe a whole lot easier.
More hemp. Less green-house gases.
Fun fact. Each acre of hemp absorbs up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. And since outdoor hemp grows with minimal fertilizer and pesticides, hemp absorbs substantially more CO2 than required for its cultivation.
Even the plastic decomposes
Usually, plastic takes hundreds or even thousands of years to decay. So we add an enzyme agent to the plastic. With no impact on shelf-life, the enzymes enhance the action of soil microbes, to help decompose the plastic parts within years and not centuries of discard. Just another way to leave a better future for our children.

Zero water. Zero waste.
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